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Youtube is being a pain about verifying my account so the links aren’t clickable. Given that it’s been over a week of back and forth with them I’ve largely given up trying to make youtube happy and I’ve simply decided to publish the video. Since I don’t particularly aspire to be a youtube star, it doesn’t much bother me.

Last weekend was the annual Midatlantic Gather. I’ve been honored to be invited to each of these and given a presentation each time. I look forward to these every year. Usually the content is geared towards Gardnerian Wicca of which I’ve been a member of for something like seven years now. There are several gathers around the country. More recently I’ve tried to re-tool my content to be pagan content, and this year wasn’t an activity so much as a tour of High Magics Aid.

Previous years I have hosted activities including Enochian Pictionary (pretend to be John Dee and receive the letters), talked about Solomonic Magic, talked about the degrees, and so on. Pagans could attend some of those and not others. The coming year will probably be a Gerald Gardner timeline of significant events in his life, and High Magics Aid, but for initiates so we can be more on the nose…

Concurrent to that was the giant OTO shindig I got invited to (literally a day after I signed up to the Midatlantic Gather), and a pagan festival down in the south, which people also invited me to. Unfortunately everyone really likes that weekend after the heat breaks. I had decided to support the Midatlantic Gather as it’s still young and so bags were packed!

Being the “tech guy” for these (read: the only person who owned a projector) meant that I completely forgot to record the talks. Worst part is that I had my laptop with me, I could have done it in a pinch. However the vintage air conditioning and hardwood floors made things echo a bit, and I was pressed for time, so slides were cut. The following video includes my studio mic and the slides are re-added.

From the video description:
The Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dWk9e8FJYOtKIsxYBucjbfzB_OBvEOaYdIzlkwovEF8/edit?usp=sharing

* Kristen Dales should be Karen Dales, I apologize for getting her name incorrect.
* Jack Bracelin was a member of Bricketwood Coven, not New Forest Coven.

Blog entries:
High Magics Aid Part 1: https://phergoph.wordpress.com/2018/10/14/high-magics-aid-part-1/
High Magics Aid Part 2: https://phergoph.wordpress.com/2018/12/24/high-magics-aid-part-2/

Books cited:
High Magics Aid hardcover rerelease: https://a.co/d/c1NaRyJ
Hamlets Mill: https://www.amazon.com/Hamlets-Mill-Investigating-Knowledge-Transmission/dp/0879232153
The Roots of Witchcraft: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Roots_of_Witchcraft/XbclAQAAMAAJ?hl=en

Traditional Gardnerian Wicca Seekers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1173826226740409